Friday, December 5, 2008

Hoark: A Haiku (written by Angela and Anne)

don't mix the liquor
and run around in circles
hoarking is NOT fun

hoark is a new word
in urban dictionary
i cannot believe

stay away from me
my belly does not want you
hoarking will ensue!

arby's ham and cheese
peppermint ice cream dessert
colorful hoarking

to be continued.....

Didn't really plan to create a blog...

...but here it is! I accidentally created a blog--well, sort of--in the process of trying to follow a couple of other blogs. So maybe I'll actually try my hand at this in the next few days. I always say that unless it's a paper for English 101 or a business letter at work (that I mostly write from other people's notes), I'm not a good writer. My dad's an English teacher, so maybe I should be, and I did always get A's in writing. But that's different. This kind of writing is supposed to be interesting. LMAO.

Okay, enough for now. Thanks for the, uh, inspiration, Angela. :)